Realistic Animtronic dinosaur manufacturer
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Zigong Chuangying Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd

Giant Size Animatronic Insect Replicas for Russia

For the last batch of insect products was a hit, that quickly attracted the Russian customers and got their favour.
They selected 23 products for their park, including 21 realistic insects and 2 electric flowers. 
The insects are larger than ever, the largest group is the Giant Bee and Flower.
The flower’s diameter is 8 meters at least, and the bee is over 5 meters long and wide.
We believe this group will be the most impressive and attractive part of the exhibition once installed.

In addition, this time we also introduced many new insects,
such as dragonfly, locust, mantis, ladybug, scorpion and ant group, butterfly and flower group and so on. 
Due to the high latitude of Russia, the temperature is very low in winter,
so we specially used anti-freeze oil in the internal structure, to keep our products working normally outdoors.

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